Mon 1:00PM - 4:00PM: Getting Started With Xtend
Monday is Tutorial Day. In the afternoon, Sven and I will give you a jump start with Xtend, a new programming language which makes the day-to-day tasks of us Java developers a real pleasure. We listened to you and prepared some new and entertaining tasks where you get your hands on Active Annotations and some new, interesting puzzlers. To put a long story short: If you want to learn about the hot new programming language that is developed at Eclipse, come and join our tutorial.
Wed 4:15PM - 4:50PM: Null-Safety on Steroids
I'm happy to tell you that the annotation based null-ness analysis of the Eclipse JDT is getting better and better. Since the recent milestones, they do include fields into the analysis and allow to inherit the null specification from super types so the analysis results become much more reliable and easier to adopt. Nevertheless, the JDTs approach is sometimes still based on assumption which I consider ... how shall I put that ... not really pragmatic. In this session, I want to outline the pros and cons of the current state of null analysis in Eclipse. Furthermore, I will talk about other approaches to tackle the occasional NPE that each of us developers is familiar with. I want to discuss the implications of the different solutions and offer advise on how to deal with them.
Thu 11:00AM - 11:35AM: Xtext - More Best Practices
My third session at this year's EclipseCon is a follow-up talk to another one that I gave in Reston, last year. In this years edition of the Xtext - Best Practices, I will focus on other topics, especially on the adoption of the Xbase expressions. If you want to learn more about those, I can also highly recommend Jan's talk on Java DSLs with Xtext on Tuesday.
Anyway, there are still some things to prepare and there is never enough time for polishing. Obviously there are a lot more interesting sessions scheduled than I can list here. I'm really looking forward to a great conference and an intense week packed with interesting discussions. See you in Boston!